Posted on 3:19 PM

Shepard Fairey arrested in Boston

shepard-fairey-arrested Shepard Fairey Arrested In Boston

Shepard Fairey the uber talented street artist behind the iconic Obama image seen here, has been arrested on warrants accusing him of tagging property.

Shepard Fairey was arrested Friday night on his way to the Institute of Contemporary Art for a kickoff event for his first solo exhibition, called “Supply and Demand.”

Two warrants were issued on the 24th after the cops determined he was responsible for graffiti on two buildings based on Andre the Giant's has a Posse from earlier on in his career.

Due to possible litigation from the then WWF, that image evolved into the now easily recognizable image below:

A part of me feels like Shepard Fairey is somewhat paying the price for being so high profile now. Ever since doing the Obama image, he's been everywhere, designed a cover for Obama for Time Magazine, won awards etc. he's on the cops radar now. I personally think the cops could be using their resources on more important issues...
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